I found using the cakepop sticks easier and cleaner than trying to make the more environmentally conscious pumpkin cakeballs. For some reason, the balls didn’t want to form smooth surfaces and I ended up with this drizzly mess all over the place as you can see below. Even though the cakeballs were cold, bits of chocolate cake crumbs started falling off into the bowl of orange candy melts. It was not a pretty sight. 
Pumpkin cakepops for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!
See that pumpkin shaped pop? I made balls with my chocolate/frosting mixture. Then I flattened both of the poles slightly. I used a wooden skewer to make about 6 indentations longitudinally to the poles. I put the formed balls into the freezer to set.
So I have a rather messy looking patch of pumpkin cakeballs, but they’re tasty nonetheless. I know cakepops (on the stick) look better and they’re fun and cute, but there’s something simple and not-so-fussy about cakeballs. I melted some green candy melts and piped little stems on the pumpkins. I wasn’t going to attempt pumpkin leaves as I was already covered in orange and green candy melts. The melts aren’t so easy to pipe.
your pumpkin pops are really nice!!! bravo!
i m trying hard to make cake pops those times,in order to be ready for halloween pops.whith black choc',no problem,but the thing is i don t have any candy melt here,only white choc' that i can color,but it's not really easy to pipe.do you have any suggestion for that?
thks for sharing
I don't believe chocolate is at all very easy to pipe (nor is the candy melts). You just kind of have to do your best and go slowly. Simple designs are best. That's why many people just forget about piping the chocolate or melts and opt instead for sprinkles and food writing pens for facial features and decorations. You can check out my Easter Chick pops for ideas on how to use sprinkles. Bit of candies and cut out fruit leather work too.
thks a lot for your answer,i thought i did something wrong!!
your easter chick pops are sooo cute! i m gonna practise a lot,there is no secret! thks for the inspiration.
They look fantastic! I think everyone will love these.
Beautiful cakepops. Those indentations are awesome!!
Wow they are so cute!! Perfect for halloween, you've even got the shape right, not too round. Amazing
Miam - those look all too easy to just pop in your mouth, 1, 2, 3, 4...
you did an amazing job with the pops. I tried pops once and it was a long process...
love them!
they look supercute, the ones without lollipopsticks are adorable too !
Your pumpkin pops are very lovely. They can be popular snacks in any party. I bet not only kids, but also adults love them.
Oh, this dish looks fabulous! I love the picture too! If you're interested, you should submit it to Recipe4Living's Tasty Thanksgiving Recipe Contest :)
These look devine!! Your blog is so great! I hope you don't mind but I nominated it for a "One Lovely Blog Award!" You do such a great job with photography and recipes! You can check out the details here:
Keep the good stuff coming!
These are so adorable! I love them! One of these days I'll try to tackle something like these for a holiday party. =)
CUTE! I want to try making some of these. Seems cake pops are all the rage right now.
always trying to make my halloween pops!! not so easy!!!
when you talk about"chocolate/frosting mixture,what kind of recipe is it? a ganache ,a buttercream...?
thank you for helping a novice like me .
have you seen bakerella's blog? She's even written a gorgeous book about cake pops. I recommend you visit her for the recipe. However, it's so easy you don't really need one. Bake a cake. Any cake. even cakemix. Buy a tub of frosting. Crumble the cake into a bowl and add a dollop of frosting until it is moistened and mush up with your hands and knead until combined evenly. Roll into balls and refrigerate. that's it. Then dip into melted candy melts.
Check out the ultimate cake pop blog at Bakerella
Looks very cool, I might ask my mom to make some for me.
thanks for sharing.
thank you very much for your answer and for the link to bakerella!!!
it s really interesting,and your blog as well.
thks again.
How lovely...! I intend to make some cake pops as well in the next few days, I am still waiting for my lollipop sticks to arrive ;).
Did you thin your melts at all? I had read that you can add some crisco and thin out the melts so that they dip better, but I've not had a chance to try it yet. Either way, they look great! I love the detail!
Yes, I always add a little dab of crisco to my melts because it helps with making them look smoother! It does work!
Great post! I’m looking to make some changes in my own eating habits, so I appreciate your insight a lot! Thank you. I recently stumbled upon this blog like I did yours and I thought your readers may appreciate it: http://burisonthecouch.wordpress.com/2010/11/04/food-for-thought/
I’ve started to look for their stuff more regularly and I think I’m going to add your blog to my list as well. Thanks for the post!
Perfect little pops! Would love to bite into one of those.
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