I was walking down the street one day, holding a tray of these cupcakes when I suddenly heard a voice.
"Good-looking cupcakes!"
An ambulance was parked at the gas station pump getting a fill-up and sitting in the passenger seat with the window open was a man leaning out, smiling and drooling at my cupcakes.
I said "thanks".
Gone are the days when I would walk by a construction site and get wolf whistles and hubba-hubbas.
Gone are the days when I would walk by a construction site and get wolf whistles and hubba-hubbas.
Nowadays, I turn on men (with the exception of my husband who hates all sweets!) with my baked goods. Well, let's be fair here. I've been known to turn on women with my baked goods too.
You might be wondering why I was walking around town holding a tray of cupcakes? Well, it was parent-teacher interviews that day and I was bringing a tray full of chocolate cupcakes for the teachers' pot-luck dinner! What a fabulous idea! an appreciation dinner where parents bring in pot luck dishes to feed the teachers!
I remember how hungry it can get hanging around the school until interview time and then sometimes being fully booked to the point where you can't even take a pee-break or get a bite to eat!
So I was only too happy to contribute these cupcakes for the teachers that day. I hope they enjoyed them!
I baked up a batch of my favourite chocolate cupcakes with this recipe and frosted with this recipe in a girlie pink buttercream. I employed my new arsenal of chocolate plastic roses , making them as mini as I could to fit atop the cupcakes (not an easy task!) I also sprinkled dragees on others. My favourite cupcake that day was the glaceed cherries I popped on the tops of some. They were picture perfect. The cherry on top evokes the perfect image of a cupcake. They were tasty too! 
Hahaha.. I'll take that comment over a wolf whistle any day! ;)
I like 'em all-- glace cherry, dragees, choc rose :) Aw, I'll be sure to give *you* a wolf whistle even without the pastries... Though you have made me wonder if anyone will look twice at me if I couldn't cook, lol :)
Your cupcake looks so beautiful and those chocolate flowers are like art.
Whit woo indeed (my wolf whistle)
So pretty and girlie too. My men would walk over broken glass barefoot to get at them.
wow no wonder the man was sighing these look great. I like the one with the cherry on top but the one with the rose looks so so nice. Ha the teacher must have been more than pleased with these great cupcakes.
These are indeed pretty and sexy cupcakes worthy of whistles and hubba-hubas :) Fortunate teachers. I should be teaching there instead :)
Oh, they're so pretty! I think pink frosting looks especially lovely atop a chocolate sweet. And it was very nice of the parents to be supporting the teachers that way.
they look great! do you mind me asking what tip you used to frost the cupcakes?
Well, you can always take it as a compliment.. "nice Cupcakes" ;)(Kinda like nice buns)
Those are some seriously sweet looking cupcakes though.. I'm sure the teachers were very appreciative.
Soo pretty!! The colors and sexiness remind me of Agent Provocateur. YUM Lick! I doubt "those days" are gone. But its been said so often that we don't hear it anymore!
I am sure you are still hubba, hubba to your hubba hubby! And now the roles just changed your are now loved by your PTA staff and kiddies, these cupcakes... my yahoo screen name is strawberry loves chocolate, pink is so loving brown...They are fabulous.
Those are stunning! making my mouth water. Funny about the worker guys too! LOL
Aren't those just the sweetest! At least you're still turning some heads even if it is with a little (cupcake) help! There was a cupcake post with the headline "My cupcakes bring all the boys to the yard". This might also apply to you. LOL!
Hey everyone,
You guys rock...thank you so much for your positive words. I know now as I get older it's so much more important to take every compliment at face value and just simply be appreciative. Life's too short!
Mark, Mark, Mark,
Have I neglected to tell you how delectably hot you are? I'm no cougar, (I'm sure I'm old enough to be...your older sister) but you are one cutie pie! Your ability to cook is merely the dragees/ chocolate rose/cherry on top! ;P
Use a Wilton 1M tip and you'll never go wrong!
Wow! These look SO yummy! Great job, as usual!!!
Ah, another one who enjoys feeding the teachers! These are so cute. I'm sure the guy wanted to whistle at you and cat-call, but he didn't quite know how to go about it so he complimented your cupcakes instead!
Beautiful cupcakes, I love the roses.
You have deninetly turned me on with these! Lol!
I love these--especially the one with the cherry on top! But then I again...I probably would...
Sorry, that was a weak attempt at wolf whistling. I'm sure you deserve much better than that! :-)
I take a dozen of each pretty cupcakes, pleaaase!
That pink frosting looks so good!
wow i really love your cupcakes and blog..i'm from vancouver as well and i think they look too good to eat! i am wondering if you have ever gone to a bakery called Butter Baked Goods on Dunbar...i saw your post on homemade marshmellows and it really reminds me of the ones i saw there...keep up the good work
I just love the girly pink. Take the whistles however you can get em.. it's all good.
I think the cupcake on the right with the sprinkles on it is more of a quintessential cupcake. When I think of "a cherry on top" I think of an ice cream sundae with whipped cream. And don't those cherries give you cancer? lol!
I've heard of Butter before...my friend told me about it a while ago. Interestingly enough I haven't ever gotten the chance to visit it yet! I'll have to go since you reminded me!
The cupcakes look so good! I love the pink!
cup cakes look real nice .. I have fallen for the chocolate rose .. wud love to eat it
CUUUUTTTE!!! i've walked trays of cupcakes to various friends' houses as well and gotten many friendly comments. there's something about the cupcake that breaks down social barriers---! i do love the old fashioned look of the maraschino cherry on top! really, really lovely! my sister bought me a bag of homemade light pink marshmallows from Butter bakery--- they were quite splendid! :)
These look so freaking good, I wish to sink my teeth and lips in that gorgeous frosting! It is funny I made a soap that looks these cupcakes, they are now in your honor!!!LOL!
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