Ahhh...'tis the season to be weary.
I've completed and delivered my first batch of Christmas Cookie Boxes. I have 4 pounds of butter left in the refrigerator and I have been having second thoughts about some of those cookies. I noticed a particularly nice variation on Tartelette's blog using Medrich's Nibby Pecan Cookie recipe using pistachios and have decided to make the remaining boxes with pistachios instead. This is also a time-saver because I don't have any pecans in the pantry and I don't want to run out to the crowded market to fetch some! I have lots of pistachios left from my Pistachio Macarons adventure.
In Alice Medrich's bible of chocolate recipes and all things chocolate, Bitter Sweet, I noticed an interesting recipe that will use some of my cocoa nibs and whole almonds. It's for a wafer-thin biscotti-like cookie that isn't so sweet. It looks so yummy that I'll have to include it in my next boxes (I hope!) For the second round or cookies, I'm including the snowflake cutouts, the cocoa nib & pistachio cookies and the almond & cocoa nib wafers. I'm currently up to my armpits in royal icing (which I don't particularly like, but it's pretty on cookies). Icing consisitency is so important; otherwise the cookies will look pretty darned messy...and I have made quite a mess with some of these snowflakes! Bebe's been happy though because she gets to eat the rejects.
Love, love, love the results here! Good luck with the snowflakes!
Oh, please tell me this beautiful and delicious box is being sent to me!!! :)
I'm going after the vanilla butter recipe. :)
Thanks Ann,
The snowflakes, I guarantee will at least taste great--I've eaten the disasters!
Hey Patricia,
You'll open the box to see cookie dust by the time it reaches Brazil! Too bad these don't travel well...the Green Tea Christmas Trees in particular have leaves that are so stylized that the branches all break off so easily! I'm even going to write a note on the boxes to tell the recipients to "OPEN (and eat)BEFORE CHRISTMAS"!
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